Ep. 003: A Breakthrough on Passion and Motivation with Marlie-Grace
This is not like most podcasts. Few allow you to sit in on an enlightened conversation with a Master Teacher, and gain the learnings; even have your own breakthroughs…or even be on the show yourself!
Today we have a front row seat to a 30 Minute breakthrough, delivered in the mat laid back fireside chat style. The beautiful thing is, as she receives the answers, you can receive too, so this podcast benefits everyone! That’s why it’s not like most podcasts!
Key Points From the Interview:
- How she is such a go getter and is 110% committed to the path.
- The fascinating correlation between the thoughts and beliefs we practice, and how to read it. And if necessary, release them.
- Miley dealing with (a very common) feeling of not being good enough….
….and how that feeling was expertly dealt with. - How if all allowed ourselves to be truly us and following our path of highest excitement, is exactly the right thing to do for all concerned!
- How Source would never create someone or something imperfect (seriously?!)
Value Bombs in this Episode
- Tight and tense neck and shoulder muscles typically correlate to emotions of stress, pressure, overwhelm and feeling not good enough.
- A negative emotion can not exist if there is not an underlying perspective that fuels it.
- Parents have their own insecurities and sometimes can’t be vulnerable and share that they love their kids to them, but this doesn’t mean they didn’t love them.
- Good enough is a natural state, when we stop disallowing the things that convince us otherwise.
- Once you get out of your own way, circumstances start to resolve themselves.
- Just by being you, you are exactly who you came to be to give to this world exactly what you came here to give it, and the more you are contributing to the planet
- Our inner beings guide us through excitement.
- Every time we shift a belief we are a brand new person at a brand new vibration attracting a brand new reality.
- When there is a lack of positive emotion, it is because they are being covered up by positive emotions.
- Shifting your reality is not about achieving the reality, it’s about being the person that exists in that reality.
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0:20 – Nick welcomes Marlie-Grace to the show.
2:30 – Marlie-Grace shares that she wants to get out of a rut of burnout, find her sense of passion, and feel like herself again.
3:45 – Marlie-Grace describes the version of herself that she is currently experiencing.
4:30 – Marlie-Grace describes the preferred version of herself who is experiencing her preferred physical reality.
6:40 – Nick explains how tight and tense neck and shoulder muscles correlate to emotions of stress, pressure, overwhelm and feeling not good enough and Marlies-Grace confirms that she feels the emotions on a daily basis.
7:55 – Nick explains the Belief Tree Process which evolved from years of doing Tapping / Emotional Freedom Technique.
8:30 – Nick explains how a negative emotion can not exist if there is not an underlying perspective that fuels it.
9:30 – Nick begins the clearing work using the Belief Tree Process targeting the heavy feeling on Marlie-Grace’s shoulders.
11:00 – Nick helps Marlie-Grace recognize that she is good enough regardless of her ability to accomplish goals.
14:00 – Nick talks about the path that Marlie-Grace’s inner being might have laid out for her.
15:15 – Marlie-Grace still feels not good enough because she hasn’t made her parents proud.
16:50 – Nick shares how good enoughness is inherently there, when we don’t cut it off.
18:20 – Marlie-Grace has now fully released that not good enough feeling and her shoulders feel much lighter. She says she hasn’t felt this light in a long time.
20:05 – Nick helps Marle-Grace release the feeling of pressure on her shoulders.
23:10 – Nick explains how the more we allow ourselves to be who we really are, the more we are of service to ourselves and the planet.
24:50 – Nick talks about the Bashar formula of highest excitement.
26:00 – Nick talks about the importance of doing nothing and a typical root cause of burnout.
27:55 – Nick talks about vibrational productivity.
29:00 – Nick talks about the power of being lazy.
30:00 – Marlie-Grace smiles with relief as that feeling of pressure is now gone. She also feels excited and enthusiastic. Nick explains how the heavy feeling was covering those positive emotions up.
31:35 – Marlie-Grace shares how excited she feels, how she wants to leave the house right now and go be social. She feels like that tired exhausted feeling she had at the beginning of the call has been replaced by energy.
32:15 – Nick shares how shifting your reality is not about achieving the reality, it’s about being the person that exists in that reality.
33:25 – Marlie-Grace shares how good she feels.
33:55 – Nick talks about how emotions are a guidance system.
Nick: All right. Welcome to this episode of Change Your Reality. I'm your host, Nick Breau and today we're doing a segment called The 30-minute Breakthrough. This is where we bring in one of our audience members who has a specific circumstance that they want to work on, and we see how big of a shift we can create in about 30 minutes.
So today we are welcoming Marlie-Grace to the show. I believe Marlie, you're somewhere in the States, on the West Coast maybe?
Marlie-Grace: I'm on the West Coast, but I'm actually in Canada.
Nick: Oh, you're in Canada. Awesome. So you're probably like in Vancouver.
Marlie-Grace: Yeah. I'm in Calgary, Alberta.
Nick: Oh, cool. Okay. So kind of West Coast. I consider Calgary central, but I haven't been out that way, so awesome. crosstalk
Marlie-Grace: Okay. Fair enough.
Nick: Cool. Cool. Awesome. It's funny because I'm in Canada and everybody always assumes that I'm in the States. So now I just did exactly what everybody else does to me.
Marlie-Grace: It's okay.
Nick: So you told me you study a course in miracles and a few different teachers. How long have you been studying this world of self-help for?
Marlie-Grace: I feel like I've been reading self-help books since elementary school. I was one of those weird kids that actually liked to learn. So I've been perusing the indigo self-help section since elementary school, but of course, in miracles is something that I picked up just in the last few months.
Nick: Awesome. Good for you. And are you doing it every day?
Marlie-Grace: I try to. So I'm on the Clubhouse app, and through the Clubhouse app there's a course in miracles course that you can do on a daily basis. One that's at 4:00 AM my time, so really difficult to catch, but another one that's at 8:00 AM, a little bit friendlier. So I try to do that every day.
Nick: Yeah.
Marlie-Grace: And then after, there's a little conversation that you can have after the course where you just connect with other people who are in a course of miracles. It's really nice.
Nick: Awesome. You really are a go-getter because before this call, you even told me that you were doing a #33Aligned program, which requires a significant amount of commitment if you want to do those things every morning and evening, and it sounds like you're stuck with it, so good job to you.
Marlie-Grace: I'm committed.
Nick: Awesome. Okay, cool. So I am committed to try to help you have a breakthrough today. So what are we going to work on? Where do you want to have a breakthrough in your reality?
Marlie-Grace: I just want to get out of this rut of burnout. I want to regain that sense of passion again. I just feel like burnout took everything out of me. I lost interest in my work. I lost interest in school. I lost interest in socialization and I'm a very social individual. So yeah, I just want to get back to feeling like myself again, especially now that we're moving out of the pandemic and back into the new normal. I'd really love to just be able to contribute again.
Nick: Perfect. Okay, cool. So let's kind of create a blueprint of what current you currently looks like, and what, we'll call it template reality you looks like, and we'll see if we can kind of identify what that gap is between the two of you. And then we'll see how much of that gap we can close today.
Marlie-Grace: Sounds good.
Nick: So right now in the context of this burnt out experience, how does the current version of you feel? So you said lack of passion.
Marlie-Grace: Disinterest.
Nick: crosstalk emotions that come up for you, disinterested, what emotions would you say surfaced the most?
Marlie-Grace: Disinterested, heavy.
Nick: Heavy. So it's like a heavy feeling?
Marlie-Grace: Yeah, it's like a really heavy feeling. And just tired, tired, exhausted.
Nick: Okay, tired.
Marlie-Grace: Yeah.
Nick: Perfect. And if you were to take a second and kind of close your eyes and visualize that parallel reality version of you, who is living the reality they want to be living, who is feeling the way they want to be feeling, or is doing what they want to be doing, how does that version of you feel compared to the current version of you?
Marlie-Grace: That version of me is energetic, social, passionate. Yeah.
Nick: Okay. And what beliefs or perspectives does that version of you have, that would be different than current version of you?
Marlie-Grace: I believe in myself. I believe that I'm intelligent. I believe that I'm worthy.
Nick: Perfect. And what action steps, what things are that version of you doing or taking that current version of you is it?
Marlie-Grace: That person is out and about, networking with strangers, going to a local coffee shop, just putting themselves out there, just confident. Yeah.
Nick: Confident. Perfect. Okay. So the key things that kind of stuck out for me in this comparison of current reality versus template reality is really the tired, exhausted feeling, the heavy feeling, but also the believing in myself, believing that I'm worthy, believing that I'm intelligent. Do you have a lot of tight, tense neck and shoulder issues?
Marlie-Grace: Yes. Yes.
Nick: Okay.
Marlie-Grace: Yeah. Masseuses, they always mention like, "Oh, that's a very tight knot," and nobody has been able to get it out.
Nick: Perfect. Okay. Well, we might be able to get it out today because from a physical vantage point, what typically causes that tightness and the tension in the neck and shoulders is emotions of stress, pressure, overwhelm, and not good enough.
Marlie-Grace: Those are all the emotions I feel daily.
Nick: Perfect. And I could kind of read through the lines as we were comparing these two versions of you that, that was probably where we needed to go for you today. Now, you said that there was this heavy feeling prism, right? And if you could tune into that heavy feeling, can you tell where that heavy feeling sits in your body?
Marlie-Grace: Yeah, it sits right on my shoulders, right here, all day long.
Nick: And if that heavy feeling was tied to an emotion, what emotion would that heavy feeling be tied to?
Marlie-Grace: Fed up.
Nick: Fed up? Okay.
Marlie-Grace: I picture a grumpy old man, just very... I don't know how to describe it. It's of something that's just had enough.
Nick: Okay, perfect. So let's start there. Let's use that as our starting point. We're going to do a little bit of belief tree work. Are you familiar with the belief tree process at all?
Marlie-Grace: No.
Nick: Okay. So the belief tree process is a process I use in teach. I have been for a long time. It evolved from tapping. Have you ever heard of tapping or EFT?
Marlie-Grace: Yep.
Nick: Okay. So it's a process that evolved with tapping, and what I realized after years of doing tapping work was it wasn't so much the tapping that was getting the shifts. It was the using the right probing statements. It was the reframing work. So it was the things that I was doing while I was tapping and that kind of evolved into this belief tree process. And really, the belief tree process is about understanding that a negative emotion or any emotion cannot exist if there's not an underlying perspective that fuels it.
So the reason we feel any emotion... So Abraham Hicks says, "Emotions are your guidance system," and they are guiding you to the beliefs that you're practicing. And when you can identify all of the underlying beliefs, because oftentimes these beliefs are subconscious, people practice an emotion of not good enough, but they don't know why because at the age, maybe of six, they decided, "I'm not good enough because I'm being bullied," but their conscious mind as an adult isn't kind of associating them together.
So with this belief tree process, we can use the right probing statements to identify what are these perspectives fueling this heavy feeling? And then if we could reframe you out of them and then validate those perspectives, that heavy feeling and those other emotions start to go away. Sound like fun?
Marlie-Grace: Okay. That sounds... Yes.
Nick: Awesome. Okay. So we're just going to call it... We're going to start with that heavy feeling on your shoulders. Zero to 10, how strong would you say that heavy feeling is? Now for you, the challenge, because you're a very analytical person, we don't want you to analyze these questions, these answers. We just want you to kind of drop into your heart, ground as much as you can, and just go with whatever answer comes up first, without even thinking if you can?
Marlie-Grace: Eight.
Nick: Okay. So that heavy feeling, it's an eight.
Marlie-Grace: Yeah.
Nick: And what's the first thing that pops in your mind when I say, "That heavy feeling, I feel that way because...?" crosstalk
Marlie-Grace: I feel that way because I'm not enough.
Nick: I'm not enough, perfect. And zero to 10, how strong is that feeling of, "I'm not enough?"
Marlie-Grace: Nine.
Nick: Nine, perfect. And that, "I'm not enough feeling, I feel that way because..."
Marlie-Grace: I feel that way because I feel I haven't reached any of my goals.
Nick: Perfect. So can I word that as, "I'm not there yet?"
Marlie-Grace: Yeah.
Nick: Is that a good way to word that?
Marlie-Grace: Yes.
Nick: Perfect. So I've reached some of my goals. I haven't reached nearly all of the goals that I'd like to accomplish in my reality. Does that mean I'm not good enough?
Marlie-Grace: No.
Nick: Perfect. So anybody on this planet who's automatically not accomplished their goals, they're automatically not good enough?
Marlie-Grace: No.
Nick: Okay. So this belief that I'm not good enough because I haven't accomplished my goals yet, does that even make sense?
Marlie-Grace: They get out loud, no.
Nick: Perfect.
Marlie-Grace: No, it doesn't make sense.
Nick: So can you take a second and really acknowledge and feel this new awareness that this doesn't make sense? Achievement of goals has nothing to do with somebody's value or level of good enoughness, agreed?
Marlie-Grace: Yes.
Nick: So if we go back to that not good enough feeling now, is it still a nine or has it shifted a little bit?
Marlie-Grace: It shifted. Feels like a-
Nick: And what would you give that feeling now?
Marlie-Grace: Like a six.
Nick: Perfect. We're going to bring that down to a six. And that feeling that, "I'm not good enough, I still feel like I'm not good enough because...?"
Marlie-Grace: I still feel like I'm not good enough because I've given it my all and I don't see the results.
Nick: Okay. "I don't see results." Can I throw the word yet on the end of that statement?
Marlie-Grace: Yeah.
Nick: Perfect. So what's these results that you're talking about? Can you name one of these results? Is it an Academy Award? Is it acceptance into Harvard? These results that you're talking about here, what are they?
Marlie-Grace: It's acceptance into medical school.
Nick: Medical school. Perfect. So are you telling me that everybody who's applied to medical school and not gotten in is automatically not good enough?
Marlie-Grace: No.
Nick: Okay. Now, based on our conversation before we went live here in this recording, it sounds like you've been through an incredible journey in the last two years. You've been studying some really great teachers. You've been doing a course in miracles. Your awareness sounds like it's opened up a lot compared to where it was maybe three years or four years or five years ago. Does that make sense?
Marlie-Grace: Yes.
Nick: And is it possible that you're on a path being guided by your inner being?
Marlie-Grace: Yes.
Nick: And is it possible that this path has something even greater for you than medical school? And maybe it is medical school and maybe you're still on your way there, but maybe your inner being wants you to learn certain things before you get into medical school.
Marlie-Grace: Yes.
Nick: Or maybe all of these things you're learning now is part of a higher path that your conscious mind isn't aware of. Is that possible?
Marlie-Grace: Yes.
Nick: Good. So just because you're not there yet, does that mean you're not good enough?
Marlie-Grace: No.
Nick: Of course not, right? Can you acknowledge that belief doesn't make sense?
Marlie-Grace: Yes.
Nick: Perfect.
Marlie-Grace: Yes.
Nick: Good. So this feeling of, "I'm not good enough," is it still a six? Has it shifted a little bit more?
Marlie-Grace: It's like a three.
Nick: Three. Perfect. And I want this one all the way down to zero because this is a common one and it really holds people back. So that feeling, "I'm not good enough, I still feel that way because...?"
Marlie-Grace: I still feel that way because I feel like I haven't made my parents proud.
Nick: Perfect. "I haven't made my parents proud." Okay. Let's talk about that one. So I've worked with clients. There's a few that comes to mind. One which was one of the top science researchers at Harvard, whose parents were so strict, so hard on him that even having full scholarships and even achieving the pinnacle in his career, he still didn't get that validation from his parents.
Now, is that because he's not good enough or is that because of the programming that his parents carry?
Marlie-Grace: No, you're right. It's because of that programming. It's because of that programming his parents carry.
Nick: Absolutely. And a lot of people I've worked with, they had parents who weren't even able to tell them that they'd love that, and it's not because the parents didn't love them, but it's because again, they had their own insecurities and it didn't feel safe to be vulnerable even to their own kids. But just because they weren't verbalizing it and saying it, didn't mean that those parents did not love their kids. They were still loved, right?
Marlie-Grace: Yes, of course.
Nick: So our good enoughness, it's inherently there, right? We are co-created by source. Would you agree with that?
Marlie-Grace: Yes.
Nick: And source is infinitely intelligent and unconditionally loving. Would you agree with that?
Marlie-Grace: Yes. Yes.
Nick: So would infinite intelligence, which wouldn't make mistakes, that is unconditionally loving, ever create a version of you that is not good enough?
Marlie-Grace: No.
Nick: And even if your parents can't see that you're good enough, does it still mean that it's not there?
Marlie-Grace: No.
Nick: Of course not. So once you truly understand who and what you really are, which is that extension of source, you're inherently good enough. You can't not be, agreed?
Marlie-Grace: Yes.
Nick: So this belief that I'm not good enough, can you agree that this belief just doesn't make sense?
Marlie-Grace: Yes, you're right.
Nick: And the parents not expressing it might just be their form of trying to teach tough love and trying to get you to work hard.
Marlie-Grace: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Nick: But it doesn't mean that they're not proud of you and it doesn't mean that they don't believe that you're good enough. So this feeling, "I'm not good enough," is it still a three or we've shifted a little bit more?
Marlie-Grace: No, we're at a one. Maybe even a zero.
Nick: Zero, perfect. Now that heavy feeling on your shoulders that we started off with, my guess is that was the pressure to be good enough. Is that possible?
Marlie-Grace: Yes. 100%.
Nick: Do your shoulders feel a little bit later?
Marlie-Grace: Yes.
Nick: And that heavy feeling that we started off with, is it still an eight or has that shifted now?
Marlie-Grace: No, it's like a four.
Nick: Perfect.
Marlie-Grace: I haven't felt this in a long time.
Nick: Excellent. Right. So when you go into your massage therapist next time and they ask you about that knot in your shoulder and, "Where did it go? What did you do?" You said, "Oh, I just did some woo woo magic, emotional work with some guy online."
Marlie-Grace: No.
Nick: So that heavy feeling is still a four. "I feel that way because..." What comes up next?
Marlie-Grace: I feel that way because I can just be hard on myself.
Nick: Perfect. So, "I feel that way because of pressure that I put on myself?"
Marlie-Grace: Yeah.
Nick: Because of pressure inaudible. And by the way, those of you who are facilitators in my facilitator training program, who are studying the belief tree process, what we're doing now is we went down one branch. Did you notice how we went down through the questions? We cleared a few things and we worked our way back up, and all the way back up to this heavy feeling. And now we're going down to another emotion, which is this pressure. So now we're going down a different branch in the tree.
So that feeling of pressure on your shoulders, zero to 10, how strong is that?
Marlie-Grace: Like a six.
Nick: Six. Perfect. And that feeling of pressure, "I feel that way because...?"
Marlie-Grace: I feel that way because I'm supposed to be doing something in this world. I'm supposed to be-
Nick: Ooh.
Marlie-Grace: Productive.
Nick: I like this one. "I'm supposed to be doing something. I'm supposed to be productive." Ooh, this is a good one. Another common one. Okay. So, "I'm supposed to be doing something. I'm supposed to be productive." There's a documentary I watched on Netflix a few years ago. I think it was called something like... excuse me, because I can't remember the title of it, but it was like The Little Farm or The Small Farm.
And it was about, I think it was a couple who bought this smaller commercial farm and there was all these different aspects to the farm, and one thing would go wrong with one part of the farm. They would do a whole bunch of stuff to fix it but then that would break another part of the farm. And then they would do a whole bunch of stuff to fix that and that would break another part of the farm. And then they would go do a bunch of stuff to try to fix that. And again, it was just a mess of fixing one thing, it would break something else.
Then near the end of the movie, spoiler alert, the guy was just so fed up. They just kind of, "You know what? Screw it. I'm just going to take a step back and I'm just going to just let it go." And magically, all of the parts of the farm started to fall into this perfect balance where everything was taking care of something else and the farm started to thrive.
So once they got out of their own way, it organically took care of itself. Right?
Marlie-Grace: Yeah.
Nick: So my belief is that our planet, if we all got out of our own way, if we all allowed ourselves to fully be ourself without any of this programming, and allowed ourselves to follow that path of highest excitement that we are doing and being exactly who and what we're meant to be. So you, just by being you, you are giving to this world exactly what you came here to give it.
Marlie-Grace: Okay.
Nick: Does that make sense?
Marlie-Grace: Yes. Yeah.
Nick: Because we are all meant to be our authentic self, right?
Marlie-Grace: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Nick: Again, if we are all co-created by source and infinite intelligence, of course, source is going to create me exactly how I meant to be. Right. And same with you and same with everybody else. So the more we allow ourselves to be our authentic self and the more we allow ourselves to follow our passion and our purpose, and our excitement, which is what we're meant to be doing, the more we contribute to the planet. How does that sound to you?
Marlie-Grace: That sounds perfect.
Nick: Does that bring some relief to that feeling on your shoulders?
Marlie-Grace: Yeah.
Nick: That your only job is to be you.
Marlie-Grace: Yeah, that. Yeah.
Nick: Now, this notion of, "I'm supposed to be doing something," what if you're already doing it? What if the supposed to that's in your mind, what if there's two supposed tos? What if there's the supposed to that our inner critic feeds?
Marlie-Grace: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Nick: And the supposed to that our inner being feeds? And I would say by you studying things like a course in miracles, researching the stuff that I'm teaching, following your excitement and the ways that you're following it, that's what you're really supposed to be doing. What are your thoughts on that?
Marlie-Grace: I like that. I like that because I'm enjoying this. I'm enjoying a course in miracles. I'm enjoying learning something completely different.
Nick: Our inner beings guide us through excitement, right? One of the teachers I follow, Bashar, has what he calls the formula of highest excitement, which states that in any given moment, the action step for you to take of all of the things that are available to you is the one that excites you the most.
And in those moments, it's not always going to be a 10 out of 10 excitement. Sometimes the most exciting things of all available to you might be a three and a four. Sometimes the most exciting thing might be to go take a nap or go eat a bowl Cheerios, but we are always being guided through our inner guidance to our next step along with the path, and the path, it's not a physical path. It's not our inner being saying, "Go to Tim Horton's and then go to the bookstore, and then go here, go here, go there." It's a vibrational path because we walk the path through our vibration, through our expansion.
Every time we shift a belief, every time we clear negative emotion, we become a brand new person at a brand new vibration, attracting a brand new reality. Makes sense?
Marlie-Grace: Yes.
Nick: So back to this topic of pressure, even doing nothing is doing something.
Marlie-Grace: Okay.
Nick: And sometimes doing nothing is the best something that we can do because when we do nothing, we can slow down and listen, and we can slow down and tune into that guidance. And we can slow down and fill up our cup, our energetic cup. Most people, when they feel burnt out and depleted, and tired, it's because their energetic cup is empty.
Marlie-Grace: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Nick: And it's because they're too much in, "Go, go, go, go, go. Do, do, do, do, do, do, accomplish, accomplish, accomplish, accomplish, accomplish." And they're not slowing down in getting into the receiving mode, which is the meditating, the grounding, the present, which is what fills that cup back up. Does that make sense?
Marlie-Grace: Yes.
Nick: And if I give you full permission to allow yourself to slow down, to allow yourself to follow your highest excitement, to know that you can't get it wrong, how does that feel?
Marlie-Grace: Relieving.
Nick: Good. Can you take a second and feel that feeling of relief? And that feeling of pressure, is it still a six or has it shifted a little bit more now?
Marlie-Grace: Feels like a two.
Nick: Awesome. And that feeling of pressure, "I still feel that pressure because..."
Marlie-Grace: I still feel that pressure because of my inner critic.
Nick: Okay. crosstalk
Marlie-Grace: It's telling me, "You're lazy. You're lazy."
Nick: Have you ever heard... You haven't read my book yet, have you?
Marlie-Grace: No. Not yet.
Nick: In my book, I talk about vibrational productivity.
Marlie-Grace: Okay.
Nick: And vibrational productivity is the highest form of productivity. If you were to start a business and you had five different business options available to you, if you're at the vibration of success, it doesn't matter which business you choose, what do you think the end result's going to be?
Marlie-Grace: Success.
Nick: And if you're at the vibration of failure with those same five business options, doesn't matter which one you choose, what do you think the end result's going to be?
Marlie-Grace: Failure.
Nick: So it's never really about the action steps. It's more about the energy that you're practicing and the vibration that you're practicing as you step into those action steps. Does that make sense?
Marlie-Grace: Yes.
Nick: So if being lazy replenishes you, if being lazy connects you to your inner guidance, if being lazy attunes you to your intuition where you can download the best solutions to the biggest problems, is lazy a bad thing?
Marlie-Grace: No.
Nick: It's one of the most powerful things that somebody can do and learn, and it's also one of the things that 3D, old school, most of society still shuns.
Marlie-Grace: Yeah.
Nick: Fascinating, isn't it?
Marlie-Grace: Yes.
Nick: So can you take another nice deep breath in and tune into more of that relief, knowing that there's nothing you need to do, there's nothing you need to solve, there's nothing you need to figure out. All you need to do is relax. Get in the receiving mode, let your cup fill up and follow the impulses of what excites you and let your inner being guide you to the next steps. How does that feel?
Marlie-Grace: I like it, I'm excited.
Nick: Good. And that pressure, is it still a two or has it dropped down a little bit more?
Marlie-Grace: It's gone.
Nick: Good. And that feeling on your shoulders was a four.
Marlie-Grace: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Nick: How does that feel now?
Marlie-Grace: One.
Nick: One.
Marlie-Grace: Maybe even zero. Yeah.
Nick: Virtually gone?
Marlie-Grace: Yeah.
Nick: And how do you feel? Do you feel lighter than when we first started?
Marlie-Grace: Yes. Yeah.
Nick: Feel different?
Marlie-Grace: Yeah.
Nick: Do you feel like... Remember this template reality version of you that we created at the beginning of the call?
Marlie-Grace: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Nick: Do you feel a little bit more like that version of you?
Marlie-Grace: Yeah. I feel excited for some reason. I feel excited and enthusiastic, and I'm not sure why.
Nick: Good. It's because that heavy feeling was covering that up.
Marlie-Grace: Yeah.
Nick: It's like procrastination. So when people have procrastination, the reason they procrastinate is typically because of fear of failure.
Marlie-Grace: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Nick: Feelings of not good enoughness. So, "I'm not going to succeed, so why bother?" So it's, when there's a lack of those positive emotions, it's because they're being covered up by these negative emotions.
Marlie-Grace: Yeah.
Nick: So the belief in yourself, does it feel like it's stronger now?
Marlie-Grace: Yeah. Yeah. crosstalk
Nick: The worthiness that you deserve it, does it feel stronger now?
Marlie-Grace: Yes.
Nick: And taking these action steps where you can go out and about and be social the way that you wanted to, does that feel more possible now?
Marlie-Grace: I feel like going right now. I feel like getting out of the house. Yeah.
Nick: And that tired, exhausted feeling, does that feel like it's mostly gone now?
Marlie-Grace: Yeah.
Nick: Awesome. Good.
Marlie-Grace: Replaced with energy.
Nick: Good. So your homework for the next week or two-
Marlie-Grace: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Nick: That template reality version of you, did you bookmark it?
Marlie-Grace: Yes.
Nick: Good. I want you to be that person.
Marlie-Grace: Okay. I'll try.
Nick: So shifting our reality is not about achieving the reality. It's about being the person that exists in that reality, and by holding and being that version of you, even for three to five days, your reality will begin to remold itself to match that version of you.
Marlie-Grace: Okay.
Nick: So even after this call, if you feel inspired or later today, go back to that template reality version of you, write down the way they feel, write down the perspectives they're choosing, write down the action steps they're taking.
Marlie-Grace: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Nick: And then just don't try, be.
Marlie-Grace: Okay.
Nick: Be that version of you.
Marlie-Grace: Okay.
Nick: To the best of your ability, of course.
Marlie-Grace: I'll do it.
Nick: It might take a bit of practice but work on it, and you'll send me an update in a week or two, let me know how you're making out?
Marlie-Grace: Yes. Yeah.
Nick: Absolutely. You did amazing today. Any questions? Any comments? Anything you want to share before we wrap up?
Marlie-Grace: I don't know. I feel good. I just feel good.
Nick: That's a good place to be, and if ever any of this old stuff creeps back up, all you have to do is say, "Okay." So that emotion, look at it, observe it, and ask yourself, "I feel this way because..."
Marlie-Grace: Okay.
Nick: And see if you could identify the perspective that you're practicing, that's fueling it.
Marlie-Grace: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Nick: And see if you can shift your way out of it. See if you can invalidate that negative perspective, because it's like I said earlier, emotions are just a guidance system. And when we've got negative emotions that are coming up, they're just there to tell us that there's a negative limiting perspective that's being practiced, whether it's conscious or unconscious, and using these right statements.
We could dig that stuff up and work through it, and see how big of a shift you even look, energetically you feel brighter so I can tell you just had a really good shift.
Marlie-Grace: Perfect. Thank you.
Nick: Awesome. Thank you so much for playing. This closes out our episode of Change Your Reality. If you'd like to apply to be a guest on the show or join our membership community, where we do these calls for three hours every week with our members, you can find out the details on the website @nickbreau.com. Bye for now.
That's it for today's episode of Change Your Reality. If you'd like to apply to be a guest on the show, to join our membership community, or to be trained as a facilitator, you can find all the details on the website @nickbreau.com.