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Ep. 005: A Breakthrough on Fatigue and Letting Go of Control with Ama
Today, we visit the Netherlands, and speak to Ama, who is looking for a breakthrough on a couple of issues – around the topics of fatigue and letting go of control, that are worked through in just under 40 minutes.

Ep. 004: Five Questions with Ashna
In this episode of Change Your Reality, Collective member Ashna is invited for a segment of Five Questions leading to discussions on the topics of getting into the receiving mode, working with “difficult” clients, and lack consciousness.

Ep. 003: A Breakthrough on Passion and Motivation with Marlie-Grace
Today in Change Your Reality we take Marlie-Grace through a 30 minute breakthrough so she can experience a shift on the topics of feeling a lack of excitement, passion and motivation.

Ep. 002: A breakthrough on fears of things going wrong with Malka
In this episode, Nick takes Malka through shifts to help her release the fears she recognizes are holding her back. Common fears such as the fear of failure, the fear of displeasing others and the fear of things going wrong.

Ep. 001: Five Questions with Lea
In the very first episode of Change Your Reality, we converse with Lea for a series of Five Questions. In this episode Nick and Lea address topics that include overcoming jealousy, overcoming effort in favor of inspired action, and effortless manifestation.